Thursday, April 5, 2007

photo competition

Hi everybody. Here are the rules for the photography competition we're running. We'll also run a workshop on outdoor photography for the network around the time the results of the competition are out, which is world responsible tourism day, 14th November 2007.

Rules for photo competition:

PROCEDURE and PRIZES: Photos must be taken in the Greenbox region. Photos must be of relevance to ecotourism, so outdoor/nature/wildlife photographs, along with photographs of the culturally significant (e.g. heritage, archeological features) are acceptable. Seasonally specific photos especially welcome. The 12 Winning photos will be featured in our 2008 calendar, and given a prominent display on our website. Best photograph and next two highly commended will receive the following prizes: Best: EUR500 voucher for camera equipment. Two highly commended; EUR250 voucher each for Greenbox holidays. You will receive email notification if your picture is accepted for the competition. Otherwise you will be notified that it has not been accepted, along with the reason, so that you may resubmit.

TO ENTER: please send files by email to or Write "Greenbox photo competition" in the Subject. Include:
- one photo that you have recently taken in the greenbox region
- a line explaining the photo.

PHOTO SPECIFICATIONS: Size: Min 1 MB - Max 3 MB. Dimensions: Min 1024 x 768 pixels - Max: 2272 x 1704 pixels. Minimum resolution: 300 dpi. Recommended aspect ratio: 4:3.

DEADLINE: All photographs must be in by October 19th 2007. Winners will be announced on world responsible tourism day, 14th November 2007.
LEGAL: Only submit a photo that you yourself have taken. You assign interest, title and right to first and reprint use to Greenbox; photos may be used in any Greenbox publication on paper or in electronic form, and at no cost to the Greenbox. Participation in the competition indicates acceptance with the above rules.

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