Thursday, April 26, 2007
international biodiversity day 22nd may
Ollie here. We have a great day planned for the 22nd – international biodiversity day. Info on the day is available here
Here are our four sequential events. You are invited!
What: Seminar on climate change, biodiversity
Where: Organic Centre, Rossinver Co.Leitrim.
When: 10am-1pm, Tuesday 22nd May
How much: free (excluding optional lunch)
Extra: Featuring Professor Mike Jones (Head of Discipline in the School of Botany, Trinity College Dublin) and Dr. Jennifer Hanafin (Met Eireann). Also featuring an introduction to issues around peak oil and energy decent. Followed by an organic lunch and tour of the organic centre’s gardens.
What: A guided peatland walk, hosted by Clare Somerville
Where: European Geopark at the Cuilcagh Mountain Park and Marble Arch Caves, Florence Court, Co Fermanagh. A bus will run from the Organic Centre.
When: Bus leaves the Organic Centre at 3 and arrives in the Geopark at 3.45 Bus leaves Geopark at 5.00. The bus will drop people off in the Organic Centre and also in Manorhamilton
How much: Free to Greenbox network members, EUR8 for all others. (prebooking for bus and tour highly recommended – book through greenbox office 071 9856898 or email
Extra: Why peatland? Because bogs are both a carbon sink and a source of biodiversity.
What: Film: An Inconvenient Truth (Directed by Davis Guggenheim: 2006; featuring AL Gore)
Where: Mobile Cinema, Manorhamilton
When: 7 PM sharp.
How much: Just EUR5!
Extra: A sample of reviews:
“Utterly convincing, emotionally powerful” (Time Out)
“Virtually everyone who sees this movie will be galvanized to do something about global warming” (San Francisco Chronicle)
“In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film” (Rodger Ebert Chicago SunTimes)
“Like the best teacher you've never had, Al Gore is passionate, charming and relentlessly informing….An almost indescribably important piece of documentary filmmaking” (
What: Pub Quiz.
Where: The Castle Bar, Manorhamilton.
When: 9.15 til late
How much: Tables cost EUR 20 per team. Top prize EUR200.
Extra: The usual categories (e.g. entertainment, sport, politics etc) will be complemented by a category on the environment. Raffle with spot prizes .All proceeds go to the IPCC (Irish Peatlands Conservation Council) Book table through Bernie in the Greenbox office (071 9856898,
For more information:
Ollie in the Greenbox office: 071 9856898, email or check our website:
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Economic Advantages of Ecotourism
Network members often ask us what are the advantages of being a member of the Greenbox, as a fellow business/tourism owner this is an understandable concern as very few of us have the economic resources to be environmentally altruistic.
Below are some very good reasons for being a member of the Greenbox Network and finally there is a researched piece just in from Trip Advisor( A major source of information for travellers)
What is the Greenbox Network?
The Greenbox network is committed to providing guidance, network support, training, strategic focus, marketing intelligence and assistance, branding, certification, and a capital aid programme to assist small eco businesses.
The Greenbox network offers ecotourism businesses, and businesses supporting and supplying the eco-tourism sector (both established and aspiring) from the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, opportunities to develop and grow their businesses through networking.
These opportunities take the form of networking events and training, through which business owners can conduct business, develop links, and support each other, and also regular communications which keep members informed of upcoming events and relevant news.
Features of Greenbox Membership:
Regular networking and training events in Fermanagh and Leitrim, Sligo, Cavan, Donegal – 15 in 06/07
Free access to the local events of our partner networks – 21 in 06/07
Regular e-mail/mail communication of upcoming Greenbox events
Regular communication about other events of relevance in the area
Communication of members news – if you have any news/upcoming events please send
notice of them to me or Ollie
Website with members login area accessing members database and discussion forum – in development
New Blog site now up and running where you can participate and play an active part.
Benefits of joining the Greenbox Network
Becoming a member of the Greenbox, can benefit you and your business by
providing opportunities to:
Make a large number of new contacts at regular networking events;
Promote and raise awareness of your business;
Access support and advice;
Be inspired by other ecotourism related businesses;
Learn new tips and tools;
Understand that you are not alone;
Increase your own motivation, confidence and know how;
Receive regular updates on relevant events and news which impacts on your business development;
Access a sounding board for new business plans;
Develop new ideas and solve problems
Who is the Greenbox for?
The Greenbox producers network is interested in providing support to new, and existing business and supporting those interested in supplying to the ecotourism sector, those aspiring to be in the ecotourism business, either corporate, community or voluntary sectors, or indeed any one interested in developing their eco tourism business networking skills.
Membership Drive:- important! Important! Important!
Do you think you could enrol just one other enterprising business you know, who would benefit from the contacts, events, information and much more? We would really appreciate your help to broaden the network and help it become more sustainable.
If you are enrolling other potential members
Please do invite them to attend one event as a guest free of charge
Remind them that as a member of the Greenbox they can also attend the events of our partner networks free of charge e.g. The Western Organic Network, Women in Agriculture, or the Business Women’s Network of Northern Ireland and several other networks.
The NEW website is currently being developed and as a member they will have access to a members-only area where they can locate other members details and partake in a members discussion forum – a bit of virtual networking
Network membership our lowest level of membership is “friend of the network £23.00 or €35.00”, so for the twelve active months of the year that just under £2.00/month or €2.90 per month – great value for the networking opportunities that are available to you. Various categories of memberships offer enhanced other marketing opportunities.
As a subscribed member you can promote your events/products/services to the rest of the network
through the regular e-mail updates sent out.
Your help with this membership drive would be hugely appreciated.
Next network meeting on Wed 23rd May in the Silver Bear Centre near Ballyconnell courtesy of Anke Morgentoth directions will be sent out closer to the time
International biodiversity day 22nd may All speakers now in place for the National Diversity Day
Solstice culture, heritage and archaeology long weekend in The Gyreum. Starting Thursday June 21st, not to be missed by members wishing to see how an unusual and interesting eco tourism business is producing unusual and interesting packages.
Something to think about today:
“The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret to outward success.”
Henry Ward Beecher
Tripadvisor survey reveals concern for the environment
A TripAdvisor survey of more than 1,000 travellers worldwide has found that 40% take environmentally-friendly tourism into consideration when making travel plans.
The survey also found that 66% believe that environmentally-friendly measures in travel are making a difference.
Nearly 25% believe that air travel should be avoided, whenever possible, to help preserve the environment, while 38% said would pay more to take an eco-friendly flight and 26% would pay a 5-10% premium.
But only 3% have ever purchased carbon credits.
Just over a third (34%) said they would pay more to stay at an environmentally-friendly hotel, while 38% said they had already stayed at an environmentally-friendly property, and 9% would specifically seek out environmentally-friendly establishments.
When asked to specify how much they extra they would be prepared to pay for 'green' accommodation, 25% said they would pay a 5-10% premium, and 12% would pay a 10-20% premium.
"This survey shows that far from being irresponsible, planet polluting energy wastrels that they are often portrayed, many travellers do care about the environment and are willing to pay for it," said Ian Rumgay, European communications manager for TripAdvisor.
"It is a wake-up call for all sectors of the travel industry to provide more green options".
By Bev Fearis
19 April, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Sponsor Needed!
I am organising a Triathlon at Garadice lake here on June 3rd. I need to get goody bags for 150 athletes. I am trying to not use plastic. Do you know where I could get some one to sponsor 150 paper bags ??
If anyone has any suggestions, please post a comments or suggestions on the site.
Thanks, Karen.
More Marketing News
Dear Member,
As the summer is now upon us we are undertaking more PR activity. Recently we have ran 2 competitions in both ROI and NI newspapaers and have had in excess of 300 responses for indiviual brochure requests. At this stage we would like to ask members to provide prizes to use in the press and media eg. win a 2 night break in Fermanagh, activity break etc or anything you feel would attract the consumers attraction.
We will contact you before using any of these prizes. We would greatly appreciate your input into this.
If you have any queries please contact me.
Kind Regards
Ruth Tubman
Fermanagh Lakeland Tourism
Wellington Road
Co Fermanagh
BT74 7EF
Tel: 028 6634 6736 or 028 6632 3110
Fax: 028 6632 5511
Marketing News
Hi Folks,
Just doing some follow up on the ITOA and am wondering if you have any itineraries done for the Greenbox area, 1 day/3 day tour? I am attending the 'Meet the Buyer' workshop in Belfast next week would also like to have them for that?
Let me know,
Kind Regards
Clodagh Carty
Fermanagh Lakeland Tourism
Wellington Road
BT74 7EF
Tel: 028 6632 3110 or 028 6634 6736
Fax: 028 6632 5511
More from the Bear Essentials
Do you want to update your image?
Do you know which colours flatter you?
Do you want to know how to apply make-up?
Do you know your skin type?
And do you like to be pampered?
Learn Beauty and Style Tip from Pat Dunne who is a professional make-up artist, colour and Image Consultant.
Pat will give every woman individual time to enjoy a personal skin analysis, mini facial and make over on the day.
Book now and book early!
Places are limited to just 10 participants.
This workshop is a real treat and to make the
day complete we include lunch & afternoon tea for you.
Date: Saturday 5th of May from 10am - 5pm
Venue: 10am - 5pm
At Bear Essentials Showroom, Bawnboy, Co.Cavan
To enrol for the 5th of May or for future courses please contact:
Pat Dunne Anke Morgenroth
eMail: eMail:
Phone/Fax: +353 49 4367925/6 Phone: +353 49 9523461
Mobile: 087 2491118 Mobile: 0877610537
Monday, April 23, 2007
Greenbox Networking Meeting
Just to let you know that the next Greenbox Networking Meeting will take place on
Wednesday, 23rd May 2007
7.30 - 9.30pm
Silver Bear Centre
Bear Essentials
Co. Cavan
049 9523461
If you have any questions about it, contact either or
Monday, April 16, 2007
Talk Tourism Forum
This discussion forum is an on-line community of tourism providers, using this forum to acquire knowledge, network & identify further opportunities for business development.
Click on the link above to register your business and view postings.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Thursday, April 5, 2007
photo competition
Rules for photo competition:
PROCEDURE and PRIZES: Photos must be taken in the Greenbox region. Photos must be of relevance to ecotourism, so outdoor/nature/wildlife photographs, along with photographs of the culturally significant (e.g. heritage, archeological features) are acceptable. Seasonally specific photos especially welcome. The 12 Winning photos will be featured in our 2008 calendar, and given a prominent display on our website. Best photograph and next two highly commended will receive the following prizes: Best: EUR500 voucher for camera equipment. Two highly commended; EUR250 voucher each for Greenbox holidays. You will receive email notification if your picture is accepted for the competition. Otherwise you will be notified that it has not been accepted, along with the reason, so that you may resubmit.
TO ENTER: please send files by email to or Write "Greenbox photo competition" in the Subject. Include:
- one photo that you have recently taken in the greenbox region
- a line explaining the photo.
PHOTO SPECIFICATIONS: Size: Min 1 MB - Max 3 MB. Dimensions: Min 1024 x 768 pixels - Max: 2272 x 1704 pixels. Minimum resolution: 300 dpi. Recommended aspect ratio: 4:3.
DEADLINE: All photographs must be in by October 19th 2007. Winners will be announced on world responsible tourism day, 14th November 2007.
LEGAL: Only submit a photo that you yourself have taken. You assign interest, title and right to first and reprint use to Greenbox; photos may be used in any Greenbox publication on paper or in electronic form, and at no cost to the Greenbox. Participation in the competition indicates acceptance with the above rules.
events in greenbox
Horsemanship clinic for young people at islandview in county Sligo. Have a look and, while you're there, why not have a look around the site too?
Yoga at Ard Na Hoo:
Yoga Classes and Workshops at Ard Nahoo, Dromahair. New 10 week term begins after Easter. Tuesday 17th April - 6pm-7.15pm – all levels (inc. beginners).
Tuesday 17th April - 7.30pm – 9pm – continuers.
Thursday 19th April – 7pm – 8.30pm – mens class.
Yoga for Pregnancy Workshop Saturday April 28th – 12.30pm – 4pm and Saturday June 16th – 12.30pm – 4pm. To book your place phone Noeleen on 071 91 34939 or 086 305 8828
Greenbox article in Failte Ireland's latest Product Newsletter
Karen here. Click here to read the article titled "The Greenbox - "Oscars" of Travel and Tourism Industry.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Sat 7 April Cake Sale, The Diamond, Enniskillen 8am to 6pm
(Proceeds to Holy Trinity Church, Dromore – Bowling Club)
Sat 7 Free Ice Cream!!! 1pm-5pm at Tickety-Moo, Killadeas (off the main Enniskillen Kesh Road. Shop open 12 noon to 6pm every day thereafter. Come and taste the Amazing ice cream at the farm for free. 18 flavours. Bouncy castle, brass band, Watch the cows being milked (4pm). See the cows and calves. 028 686 28779
Sat 7 Traditional Irish Music Night, Aughakillymaude Community Centre, Kinawley
Refreshments served, everyone welcome
Sat 7 - Tues 10 Easter Celebrations, A Spring Fair Day at the Ulster American Folk Park. A unique insight into a typical market day of the late 19th century. Visitors are invited to stroll down the street and experience the sights, smells and sounds of a busy market day in any major town during that time. Stallholders, shopkeepers, travelling journeymen and entertainers will keep you amused for hours on end. Between 2pm and 5pm each day there will also be storytelling sessions, music, song and dance. Children’s activities will include horse and cart rides and egg & spoon races. Craft demonstrations will include wheel hooping, basket weaving and rope making. Tour the New World of pioneer America and meet frontier trappers and traders of the early 19th century.
Sun 8, Mon 9 Easter Egg Trail, Florencecourt. Follow the trail around the gardens to locate the chocolate treasures. 1-5pm. Normal Admission. Members free. Egg Trail £2 per child.
Sun 8 Easter Eggsplore. 2pm-6pm Crom Estate, Newtownbutler. Explore Crom whilst on the hunt for eggs. Children’s activity sheets lead to the chocolate designs. Normal admission. Members free. Activity sheets £1 per child
Sun 8 Easter Sunday Cot Trips, Crom Estate, Newtownbutler. Cruise around the Lough in Crom’s 100 year old traditional craft. Weather Permitting. Numbers limited. Booking essential. Contact 028 6773 8118. 2-6pm. Adult £3.50, Child £2, Member Adult £3.50, Child £2
Sun 8 Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann Sean McAloon Annual Festival, Concert in Roslea Community Centre starting at 8.30pm. Artists from Tipperary, Dublin, Offaly, Monaghan, Cavan and Fermanagh.(Monday singing session, Wednesday Story-telling, Friday Fior Ceili – music by the Ardmore Ceili Band at 9.30pm)
Mon 9 Easter Fun Day, Castle Coole. Music, games and fun for all the family. Egg and spoon races, sack races, egg painting, easter egg trail, skipping and games, punch & judy shows, Ernesiders Jazz Band. 1-5pm. Adult £5, Child £2.20, Family £12.20. Members free. Includes tour of house.
Mon 9 Antique & Collectors Fair, British Legion Hall, Wellington Road, Enniskillen 11am-5pm. Admission £1. Children free.
Fri 13 – Sun 15 Surf Week-end at Corralea Activity Centre, Belcoo. Special offer 2 nights self catering in Corralea Cottages, surf coaching for 1 ½ day with qualified surf instructor. All equipment provided – wetsuit, surfboard and leash. Beaches: Tullan and Rossnowlagh. Price £97 or 145 Euros. Price for non –resident 85 Euros or £57. Details from Marius and Isabelle Leonard on 028 66 386123, email
Fri 13 Eastern European Feast at the Grass Roof Café, the Organic Centre, Rossinver,Co Leitrim. An evening of delicious organic vegetarian food at 7.30pm. Details from 0035371 985 4338
Fri 13-Sun 15 Detox Weekend at Blaney Spa and Yoga Centre, Innishbeg, Blaney, Enniskillen. Further details from 028 686 41525
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
The Alternative, Sustainable & Renewable Energy Summit - taking place on April 23 & 24, 2007 at the Croke Park Convention Centre, Dublin - Click Here
RDS, Industries Hall - 25th & 26th April 2007
Ireland's national showcase for energy - the Energy Show 2007 - is a must for suppliers and business customers of sustainable energy technologies.The Show includes a 2-day trade exhibition, coupled with a comprehensive and varied seminar programme covering all aspects of energy efficiency and renewable energy relevant to all sectors of Irish business. The theme of this years show is 'Maintaining Competitiveness through Sustainable Energy' and the organisers of the show - Sustainable Energy Ireland - are encouraging professionals from across all sectors of Irish industry to attend and find out how the latest sustainable and renewable energy technologies and practices can benefit their business.
For further information on The Energy Show 2007 - including details on how to register for the exhibition and seminars - Click Here
Whats on
"(For accommodation providers) - please remember to keep the girls in the
TIC informed of any vacancies/cancellations you may have over the Easter
period. If you have accommodation, activity centre, an attraction or other related
tourism service, don't forget to bring us in your brochures and keep us up
to date with special offers, events etc."
Help us to help you
Charlotte Wilson
Also I have posted up some other stuff that you have sent in to us see below
With Noeleen Tyrrell & Lauren Hensey
Saturday April 28th or Saturday June 16th 2007
12.30pm – 4pm Enjoy this special time.
Learn a sequence of Asanas (postures) that prepare the body for labour and birth.
Practice breathing and relaxation techniques to help you enjoy a happy and healthy pregnancy. Exchange birth stories and helpful advice with other mothers to help you tune into this most empowering experience.Suitable from second trimester
Both Noeleen and Lauren are mothers and experienced yoga teachers.
Cost: €60 (includes light refreshments)
Venue:-Ard Nahoo, Dromahaire, Co Leitrim
To book call 071 9134939 or email:
Monday, April 2, 2007
Amongst Friends - John McGahern Library Film Online
CLICK HERE TO WATCH AMONGST FRIENDS FILMOn November 9th 2006, almost seven months after the death of one of Ireland’s most celebrated writers, John McGahern, a large crowd of friends and neighbours gathered to celebrate the opening of a library named after him in the beautiful and elegant surroundings of The Lough Rynn Castle Hotel near his beloved Mohill in Co Leitrim.
‘Amongst Friends’ can be viewed now by clicking the above link or by going to and clicking on the Amongst Friends link near the bottom of the page to watch the film. Enjoy.
For further information contact:
Ronan Gallagher Iron Mountain Productions +353(0)879713659
Adrian Harkins Lough Rynn Castle Hotel +353(0)71 9632700
"Inscapes and Seascapes”
You are warmly invited to the opening of an exhibition of paintings
by Monica Corish at The Grassroof Restaurant,
Organic Centre, Rossinver, Co Leitrim
Saturday the 14th of April 2007 at 7 p.m.
The exhibition will run from the 14th of April until the 18th of June.
For directions on how to reach the Organic Centre go to
If you would like to have dinner on the night (organic, vegetarian, and delicious)
please book in advance with the Grassroof Restaurant at 071-9854338.